Teufelsloch (Devil's hole) near Bollendorf


Work of the devil or created by nature? Anyone hiking through the bizarre rock formations of the Ferschweiler plateau may ask themselves this question again and again, so unreal do some of the gorges, crevices and mighty towers of Lias sandstone appear. The dark gorge with metre-high walls at the edge of the plateau above the Sûre Valley is one of the many impressive legacies of the Ice Age rock slides and and does not bear the name "Teufelsloch" (Devil's hole) for nothing

Don't miss the view from the viewing rock above the Teufelsloch, which can be reached via a steep path. From here you can see far over the valley with its wooded rocky slopes and Bollendorf on the right bank of the Sûre.

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  • From January 1st to December 31st
    00:00 - 23:59

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54669 Bollendorf

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